
Smaoinigh Mor: Team Player

Saint Josephs Hall, School Ln, Edenderry, Co. Offaly, Ireland
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Smaoinigh Mor: Team Player

Saint Josephs Hall, School Ln, Edenderry, Co. Offaly, Ireland


This activity is all about teamwork. Teamwork means people working together as a team to reach a goal. It's when everyone talks well, respects each other, and is ready to share their ideas, jobs, and victories.

Maybe you’re wondering why it is important for you… So these are some reasons:

You can earn this activity’s badge if you were part of at least one teamwork experience during class. Tell us about it below and get your badge!

Obter uma medalha da atividade

Team Player Obter esta medalha

The owner of this badge has completed the required tasks for the Team Player activity which forms a part of the learning playlist Smaoinigh Mor - Think Big!. The skills, knowledge and attitudes gained and demonstrated through completing these tasks include:

  • Taking part in any group work activity.
  • Reflecting on their role in the group.
  • Gaining new skills such as communication, leadership, problem-solving, and conflict resolution, which are valuable in both personal and professional settings.

Completing these tasks means they have successfully worked to gain the Team Player badge and are now on their way towards achieving the overall Smaoinigh Mor - Think Big! badge.
Você precisa concluir 2 tarefas para receber a badge
Tarefa n.º 1
Evidência verificada por: um organizador de atividades
Describe in which group work you took part in: In which class did it happen? What did you work on? How big was your group?

Write your answer in the text field below.

Tarefa n.º 2
Evidência verificada por: um organizador de atividades
What was the outcome of your group work?

You can either describe it or upload a picture/video of it.

Tarefa n.º 3
Evidência verificada por: um organizador de atividades
How did you feel during the group work? Was it easy for you to contribute? What did you like during the process of working together? What was difficult for you?

You don’t have to answer all these questions. It’s about your personal reflection about your role during the group work. The questions just help you to reflect on your role inside the group.


Saint Josephs Hall, School Ln, Edenderry, Co. Offaly, Ireland
Carreira e preparação para o trabalho
Adicionado à Playlist (1)
Tempo para completar: 10 minutos


Youth Work Ireland Midlands

Utilizado em playlists

(Young People) Smaoinigh Mor - Think Big!
Youth Work Ireland Midlands
A Badgecraft é a anfitriã desta plataforma e desenvolve-a em conjunto com as principais organizações educativas. O programa Erasmus+ da União Europeia concedeu um cofinanciamento para a construção da primeira versão desta plataforma. Contacto:
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