
Youth Work Ireland Way


Youth Work Ireland Way



A training award for those pursuing a career in the youth and community sector and seeking accreditation for youth work related training. Aimed at staff / volunteers of Youth Work Ireland Member Youth Services with limited youth work qualifications.

Focusing on youth work in Ireland which is delivered the as an Integrated Youth Services Model, observing current challenges faced by young people, such as, substance misuse, youth unemployment, homelessness and the impact of social media on the young people of today’s society.

QQI accredited at Level 5 - 4 modules, 15 credits each
Minimum standard of practice within the Youth Work Ireland Member Services
Delivered in a hybrid model by YWI Members Staff

The Youth Work Ireland Way is co designed by Youth Work Ireland Midlands, AMETS and supported by Youth Work Ireland and Laois Offaly ETB.

Course information - Tracey Moore -

Hanki aktiviteetti-merkki

Working with Young People 5N1384 Hanki tämä merkki

Focusing on youth work in Ireland which is delivered the as an Integrated Youth Services Model, observing current challenges faced by young people, such as, substance misuse, youth unemployment, homelessness and the impact of social media on the young people of today’s society.

This programme module aims to enable learners to acquire the knowledge, skills and aptitudes required to work effectively, under supervision in youth work settings
On successful completion of this module, learners will be able to:

Outline the nature of the youth work relationship and its role in supporting young people.
Summarise key aspects of child protection policy in youth work settings.
Explain the importance of supervision and support in professional practice.
Identify stages of group development and ways to participate effectively in groups.
Apply principles of good practice, including confidentiality, boundaries, and inclusivity.
Recognise the diverse needs of young people in different contexts.
Plan and organise youth activities under supervision.
Use review and feedback skills to support youth work practice.
Reflect on personal values, learning, and development in working with young people.
This summary aligns with the QQI Level 5 Certificate 5N1384 - Working with young people and supports the development of professional practice, inclusion, and youth participation.
Sinun täytyy suorittaa 1 tehtävä saadaksesi merkin
Tehtävä nro.1
Vastauksen vahvistanut: Yksi aktiviteetin järjestäjä
write a reflection on your key learning point from this module - what was new to you? What stood out for you? Or what do you think will help you in your work? Maybe reflect on a team role you held that you learned alot from. Max 100 words.
Tehtävä nro.2
Vastauksen vahvistanut: Yksi aktiviteetin järjestäjä
What are your top 3 skills as a youth worker - maybe you can link one to what you have learned on this module.


#Applies methodologies used in youth training when choosing or adapting methods
#advocate youth work in the local community
#Connecting [youth] policies and educational programmes
#suunnitella nuoriso-ohjelmia
#promote youth work in communities
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Youth Work Ireland Midlands
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