
(Volunteers) Stonecutter - How to set up a youth club


(Volunteers) Stonecutter - How to set up a youth club



This Learning Playlist supports you on your way to set up a youth club affiliated with Youth Work Ireland Midlands.
You can learn what is youth work about, which steps you need to consider and how to build up a committee. You will be lead through this step by step and recieve helpful material and check lists to stay on track.

You might be wondering why this playlist is called "stonecutter". Check out the short story below and relate it to youth work. What do you think about it?

If you would like to know more about this platform, the Cities and Regions of Learninf network and OpenBadges, follow this link to another activity that explains all of it.
This is what you need to know for now to take part in the Stonecutte Learning Playlist:

Aktivitäten zu Fertigstellung

Schließe die folgenden Aktivitäten ab und erhalte Open Badge, um deinen Playlist- Fortschritt zu fördern
Stonecutter: What is youth work?
10 Minuten
Vollständige Aktivität ansehen


When being part of a committee, everyone needs to find their role. There are some responsibilities that every member has and some duties that are specific for each role.

If you need some orientation, this can be a little guide for you:

Apart from this, a committee is made of different roles that need to be perfomed by the members. These roles are:

  • Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Public Relations Officer (PRO)

Go into the resources of this activty to download the document called "Committee roles" to find out more details about the roles in the committee. Read through it carefully to understand the duties and start thinking about which role could fit to you.


  • Committee Roles

Erhalte einen Badge für diese Aktivität

Committee roles Erhalte diesen Badge

The owner of this badge has completed the tasks required for the Committee roles activity which forms a part of the learning playlist Stonecutter: Steps to set up a youth club. The skills, knowledge and attitudes gained and demonstrated through completing these tasks include:

  • learning about the roles of a committee.
  • reflecting on their own possible role and responsibilities that come with it.

Completing these tasks means they have successfully worked to gain the Committee roles badge and are now on their way towards achieving the overall Stonecutter: Steps to set up a youth club badge.

Aufgabe Nr. 1
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
After looking at the different roles within the committee - where can you see yourself contributing? Which skills could help you to fulfil one of teh roles? Is there anyhing you need to know before taking over the resposnsibility?

Leave your thoughts in the text field or create a short video explaing which role would suit you best.


#promote local youth work
Aktivitäten: 5
Begonnen: 1
Absolvierte Playlists: 0
Zeit zur Vervollständigung: 50 Minuten

Ausführende Organisation

Youth Work Ireland Midlands
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