Activity 2 – Submit Resistance is Futile - YWIM

Activity 2 – Submit Resistance is Futile - YWIM

The owner of this badge has completed the required 3 tasks:

  • Taken a selfie and submitted this as evidence.
  • Recorded a short video or piece of audio as to what has been learnt from the induction training.
  • Written some reflection as to how they think they can use the platform to support the learning and recognise the learning of the young people they work with.

Du musst 2 Aufgaben beenden, um den Badge zu erhalten
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Take a Selfie of you, by you and one that includes two pieces of modern technology in the photograph.
Einloggen und Mission starten
Aufgabe Nr. 2
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Record and submit a short video and/or audio where you explain briefly the learning from the induction training.
Einloggen und Mission starten
Aufgabe Nr. 3
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Write a short poem or 25 word reflection of how you can see the platform benefitting the work you do with young people.
Einloggen und Mission starten


Activity 2 – Submit Resistance is Futile - YWIM
Youth Work Ireland Midlands RoL – Induction Learning Playlist
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