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(Volunteers) Stonecutter - How to set up a youth club

Committee roles

The owner of this badge has completed the tasks required for the Committee roles activity which forms a part of the learning playlist Stonecutter: Steps to set up a youth club. The skills, knowledge and attitudes gained and demonstrated through completing these tasks include:

  • learning about the roles of a committee.
  • reflecting on their own possible role and responsibilities that come with it.

Completing these tasks means they have successfully worked to gain the Committee roles badge and are now on their way towards achieving the overall Stonecutter: Steps to set up a youth club badge.

Naloga št.1
Dokaze preveril: En organizator dejavnosti
After looking at the different roles within the committee - where can you see yourself contributing? Which skills could help you to fulfil one of teh roles? Is there anyhing you need to know before taking over the resposnsibility?

Leave your thoughts in the text field or create a short video explaing which role would suit you best.
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(Volunteers) Stonecutter - How to set up a youth club
Stonecutter: Committee roles
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